Seabling – en subtil pekefinger
Kan et par øredobber være med på å sette plastproblematikken på dagsordenen?

Når språket er sterkere enn sannheten
Politiske aktører bruker kommunikasjon for å nå et mål. Å ha mål betyr å vite hva en vil, hvordan en vil opp...

1919 møter 2019
Amerikalinjens hovedkvarter har gjenoppstått som et levende boutiquehotell.

Copycat eller kreativt geni?
Du trenger ikke lengre å kunne spille et instrument eller synge rent for å få låten din på P3, for i dag kan alle b...

Resirkulert sittelykke fra Snøhetta
I to år har Snøhetta forsket på plast. Resultatet er en stol av 100 prosent resirkulert plast og stål.

Kan reklame bryte ned fordommer?
Vi liker at store merkevarer tar politiske standpunkt og representerer noe mer enn bare produktene sine. Men progressive...

«Det er Norge (og 54 andre land) i rødt, hvitt og blått.»
Hvis alle hadde vært som Jamaica, ville OL vært mye mer spennende.

Hvordan Helly Hansen infiltrerte New Yorks hiphop-scene
Hvordan påvirket influencere merkenavn i tiden før smarttelefoner, Instagram og blogger? Helly Hansen var streetsmart ...

Find One Miscake
Er det å bredde seg ut, og lansere nye produkter, den nye markedsføringsstrategien for store merkevarer? Vi har unders...

Ah, så du er Calibri-typen?
Enkel forskning viser at hvilken font du bruker sier mer om deg som person enn en personlighetstest.

Slik skaper du en imaginær influencer
“Det er en ny falsk i skolegården”. Og noen av de gidder ikke å late som de ekte engang. Smart markedsføring elle...

Typografien alle elsker å hate
Fonten alle elsker å hate lever i beste velgående i Oslos mest besøkte gater. Fortjener den mer respekt?

The Creative Chat: Step aside grandma – knitting is more than warm socks
Maureen Selina Laverty just made technology fashionable through high tech knitting

The Project: Holocaust Center extension adds to building’s dramatic history
A new extension to the Holocaust Center in Oslo shows how architecture can change the perception of an historical buildi...

And…we’re out of here
Talented graphic design graduates on how they create - and what they expect from the real world.

When Helly Hansen pioneered social influencing
How did micro-influencers impact brands before smartphones, Instagram and blogs? Helly Hansen went hip hop on the street...

How to Tell Love Stories. Honestly.
Playwright Nora Bryde Gjertsen on how to write a love story with both the thrill and the sting.

Legend brings talent to an old Oslo gas station
Why has legendary Jimmy Moffat, mentor and guru of famous photographers, put on a photo exhibit in a disused gas station...

The hunt for the perfect font
It took Frode Konstantin Helland seven years to design Mu, his new font. He recently put the writing on the wall, asking...

Getting ahead: Jonas Bendiksen
The superstar Norwegian lensman on how to make it as a photographer when everyone’s a photographer.

Pop! Goes The Economy
Pop-up stores and happenings have mushroomed from something scrappy entrepreneurs did because they could afford it, to s...

How The Beatles made Nike a billion dollar brand
You say you want a revolution? A legendary The Beatles song certainly and brilliantly created one for Nike.

Games are never too fun for school
How can we harness game play to complement learning in classrooms?

Now, everyone can deepfake
AI-enabled face swapping in videos - or deepfakes - are incredibly realistic. Is it just the next step in the post-truth...

The rise (and fall) of The Cult of Failure
How screwing up and 'failing better' became the new badge of honor.

Esport pushing for Olympic glory
Should e-sport athletes be able to go for Olympic metal? Or are they just too non-athletic? Too violent?

How games are changing popular music
Gaming is changing the way we discover music. And music is changing gaming.

Is your smart TV getting too smart?
You like to watch your smart TV. But do you want it to watch you back?

These Dutch homes will be printed
3D printed houses - that you are actually supposed to live in - are here.

Put THAT in a book, baby!
All it took to remind us how much we love our local library was for someone to - preposterously! - predict their imminen...

Fortnite: The Phenomenon. The industry. The jitters.
Fortnite mania has kids and grown-ups shrieking, parents fretting, investors scrambling.

Getting ahead: Nora Konstanse
She hasn't even released her first album yet. So why is everyone so excited about singer-songwriter Nora Konstanse?

The comic industry’s billion dollar inferiority complex
It's time for Comic-Con, the annual gathering of 130,000 fans, artists, collectors and culture geeks that defines the wi...

Festival Tip: Tell Courtney Barnett how you really feel
As the high season of music festivals commences, we allow ourselves this one blunt recommendation: Courtney Barnett - wh...

Thousands of Edvard Munch Drawings Made Available to Discover Online
The Munch Museum in Oslo has made more than 7,600 of the famed artist's drawings free to access online - even for mercha...

For your eyes only: How Netflix knows your taste (and sometimes doesn’t)
What influences what series and movies we feel like watching? Artificial intelligence, that's what. Join us for an insid...

Green UX: The World Wide Waste Solution?
If the Internet had been a country, it would rank 6th in electricity usage. Are we surfing a cyber wave of emissions? Is...

Playpulse claims the final spot
After five nail-biting regional qualifying rounds, expectations are sky high before next week’s finals of Creative Bus...

Spring Picks: Fashion’s Greatest Reads
Meghan Markle's massive princess power. Smear campaigns against Russian models. The powerhouse controlling your spectacl...

“Norway Is Building The Most Beautiful Planetarium I’ve Ever Seen”
Snøhetta's otherwordly new planetarium outside Oslo is turning architecture afficionados' heads everywhere. We caught u...

The Rise of The Fake Influencer
"There's a new fake in town". And some of them hardly even pretend to be real. Part clever marketing, part fraud - the a...

Big turnout for Oslo’s inaugural Artup Day
Where do you even begin to to look for money for your new creative company? Or rent a stage for your fabulous Tsjekhov-i...

Claims that Tidal manipulated Beyoncé data go viral
Did music streaming app Tidal inflate audience figures for Beyoncé and Kanye West? The Norwegian media say yes, Tidal...

Get paid: Aim for these creative industry jobs
New reports confirm that students who know their technology will never ever go out of style. On the job market, anyway.

Title Fights: The art of naming an art show
With or without a colon? High-brow or low-brow? A title can make or break an exhibition. We gathered up some tips from t...

SKAM Austin: Nordic angst conquers America (while saving Facebook)
The American version of Skam, the breakout Norwegian, low-budget web series about realistically flawed young people deal...

Old boys still in charge of creative industries (shocking nobody)
A new report declares a lack of social mobility and and huge dominance of upper middle class people in creative industri...

“Your logo is copied”
Admit it, everything's been done before, writes Ferdinand Vogler, who figured out where some popular logos might have co...

Reports: Facebook rules Nordic SoMe – but for how long?
Facebook dominates the Nordic social media landscape. But looking at younger people, some intriguing user behaviour acro...

“Design Thinking is Bullshit”
We did the reading. What is this Design Thinking everyone is talking about, and why is it so wildly popular? And why is ...

Breaking news: Nordic male knitting sweeps the world!
Finally. The world is waking up to the passion for gender-independent knitting in the northern countries.

“The most anticipated day in the history of digital music”
Spotify finally went public on the New York Stock Exchange. What does it mean for the music industry and for listeners? ...

“Your next t-shirt will be made by a robot”
We did the reading for you. Here are some great stories from fashion innovation last week, including the robotic future ...

This city is the self-proclaimed gaming capital of The North
Trondheim's tech community may be small, but punches well above its weight in tech-led creative industries. Nowhere can ...

Interview: Paywall journalism in the Nordics
In this interview, The Local’s founder James Savage talks to us about their successful introduction of a paywall, and ...

Interview: How to be creative in the morning
One solo graphic designer explains why she worked so hard to bring Creative Mornings - a global lecture series for the c...

Holding back the water the Danish way
Copenhagen loves its water. Until it threatens to flood and destroy it. City planners and architects are getting creativ...

How to brand a (sleepy) nation
How to brand a small nation to grab attention on a global stage? Flaunt your peculiarities, says Finland and Norway. Eve...